I Tri and Craft

thoughts from a mother of boys, a marathoner, a triathlete, a crafter, a wife, and a scientist


MistleToes Plates

Happy New Year everyone!!!

This Pinterest Tuesday is a craft project we made for some Christmas gifts.
I pinned this on to my Hand & Foot Print Art board many months ago with Grandparent gifts in mind.

MistletoesSource: igameals.com via Dawn Marie on Pinterest

The pin provides a link to the original source but I couldn’t find it on that website until I Googled it.  You can read her post here, she says she paid to have it painted.

My plates don’t have that nice distinct edge, so I didn’t attempt to paint a border.

I went to The Craft Warehouse (our new one) and they had a ceramic paint section where I found paint that said it was dishwasher safe if baked.  Now the paint isn’t FDA approved, but it is not supposed to chip off when cured.  I bought my plates at my local Fred Meyer store.


After washing the plates with alcohol, as the paint directions state, the fun part begins…


The plates are slippery so the wet feet had a tendency to slip.  So I would just wipe off the plate with a wet paper towel and try again, as long as the paint hadn’t dried.


For Baby Sid’s feet I had to pull out the Bumbo



We also made a couple of mugs with little hand prints, they did not turn out as well as I had hoped.  With the slickness of the dishes the hands got really blurry, but Ian loved making them.  (I did Baby Sid’s while he was sleeping)Mistletoes06

The curing process takes place in the oven.  You can let the pain air dry, but to make it dishwasher safe you must cure it.  Please read the directions on the paint first, and follow what it says.

Place dishes in a cold oven and then turn it on to the temperature the paint states.  Cook for about 30 min then shut the oven off, open the door and let dishes cool.Mistletoes07

We made a total of six plates and two mugs


Ian decided he needed to help so I got to keep the sixth plate….


I learned that the heel of the foot should not be at the top of the plate in order to have them hanging.   I also would have like a plate with a distinct border like the one in the pin, and maybe use a serving platter instead of a dinner plate.

I tried to write ‘mistletoes’ with a stencil because my handwriting is so bad, but that turned out worse and was way more work.

I would also like to try paint pens next time for the details.

I can’t wait to make more hand and foot print art, I just love them!

Happy Pinning


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