I Tri and Craft

thoughts from a mother of boys, a marathoner, a triathlete, a crafter, a wife, and a scientist

My Little Man Mustache Baby Shower

Do you have a second baby shower when the next kid is the same gender as the first?

What is the proper protocol for baby showers?  Who really cares?  If you want one have one!

My sister threw my shower when I was pregnant the first time with my oldest son.  When I was about six months pregnant with my second son she asked me about having another one.  To which I replied, “I am not throwing it, so it is not up to me.”

She and my mom decided to have a shower-meet-the-new-baby-party after he was born.  And naturally I was left to choose my own theme and make my own decorations.

I decided to do a Little Man with a Mustache theme.  I liked all the mustache and tie stuff I have seen on Pinterest.

While this happened in Sept. I figured I should post about it while we are still in Movember since it was full of mustaches!

Here are some of the pictures from the party:

  1. Our take home treats.  I just love the “Before you mustache (must dash) please grab a treat” sign.  I also made a couple of banners of mustaches and neck ties
  2. “Wet your Whisker” for the lemonade punch
  3. For the take home treats my sister made sugar cookies in the shape of mustaches.  She even had to make a ‘cookie cutter’
  4. I made little mustaches that we put on bendy straws for some sipping
  5. My mom found these mustache stickers at Party City, so it is only fitting the man of the hour wear one.
  6. A few outfits for my little man
  7. I made this banner that said “Boy oh Boy” I saw a similar one here via Pinterest
  8. My aunt made Sid’s cake, it was Kahlua cream! Can you say super YUMMM!!  I love the onesies with neck ties
  9. I also made some food tags and got the Keep Calm sign idea from the same blog as the banner.  My sister made “Cigar” pretzels dipped in chocolate.

We all had a great time getting together and passing around the baby.

If you would like to learn more about Movember, or make a donation to help fight prostate cancer head to the Movember & Sons site.

I would love to hear from you.....