I Tri and Craft

thoughts from a mother of boys, a marathoner, a triathlete, a crafter, a wife, and a scientist

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Ian’s First Valentine Exchange

This is Ian’s first year at pre-school.  I am having such a wonderful time.  Oh, he is enjoying it as well.

My favorite thing about him being in school is the stuff he gets to make.  I LOVE it!  But I also love the stuff I get to make for class room parties and stuff.

As you may know today is Valentine’s Day.

I don’t like Valentine’s Day.  Seriously, it is my least favorite holiday.

You don’t get time off from work/school.  You don’t get ‘real’ presents.  If you are a girl you may get flowers or candy, and every once in a while some jewelry.  But those are anniversary gifts.  Plus if you want to go out to dinner or away somewhere, good luck!  Everything is always booked or you have some ridiculous wait time.

But you know why I really don’t like Valentine’s day?

The hearts.

Yep, that’s right.  I can’t stand hearts.

Except these kind.

Seriously, these are great.

I was trying to figure out some kind of valentine for Ian to give to his school friends that did not include “Be Mine” or “Love” or some other gross mushy heart filled sentiment.

Come on people! they are 4-year olds!  They can’t even read the cards!

Ok, so I found I found these:

Smarties Valentine Valentines

They are cute and use Smarties, which we all love.

So I tried to make something like that with my Silhouette Cameo.  Tip Junkie does offer a free printable for these cards, but I wanted to make my own.

This is as far as I got:

MSS_SmartiePants Valentine
I didn’t really like how they looked. The pants never looked right (that’s why they are not pictured) they were too big, the smarties didn’t sit in the right. I just wasn’t happy with the outcome. Plus there are hearts on it! yuck!

So I decided to try something else.  I wanted to give little gift bags, that way I could more than just one piece of candy in it.  I could add little sticker or an eraser or something like that.

Since I got my Silhouette Cameo I joined a Facebook group and someone posted this super cute card with glasses and a pun-ny little saying “In my Eyes…something or other.”  Using that as inspiration I made these:

MSS_EyeThinkYou'reSpectacular Valentine

I made my own cut files using a bag template and png file (for the glasses) that I already had.  I cut the word “Eye” out of black glitter card-stock, and the bag is just regular 65lb card-stock.

Of course my Cameo did all the cutting & writing for me, I just had to glue and fill.  I know, I know, there is a heart on the glasses.  What’s a girl to do?  It is Valentine’s day after all.


I had thought about letting Ian write his own name.  But he just wasn’t game.

Happy Crafting


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I linked this project up to

Silhouette Challenges