I Tri and Craft

thoughts from a mother of boys, a marathoner, a triathlete, a crafter, a wife, and a scientist

Birthday Party

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The time is fast is fast approaching for a birthday party celebrating My Monster’s 2nd year.

Finding somewhere fun to host a March birthday, in the rainy Northwest is not all that easy.  I don’t like that most places only allow for 1.5-2 hour parties.  We have a huge family and no one gets time to visit during that time.  Our house is too small for that many people.  It is also important to me that the kidos have something fun to do.

I really wanted him to have a pool party, I had some great ideas for it.  Husband told me it was not a good idea, and then I realized that at this age I would have to spend the whole party in my swimsuit.  Which is doubly worse now since baby number two is on the way.  I am not at the very pregnant look, right now I just look fat, so that would be horrible for me.  The pool party will have to wait for when Monster can swim by himself!

Since Monster is really into music, we decided to have a Rock Star themed party.  It will be an open house held at my mom’s house.  My mom has a fairly large house, but it is so full of stuff that there is not that much room for people 🙂 Love you mom!  But the great thing is she has a basement full of toys for the kids!  All kids of all ages have such a great time down in her basement.  I am also planning on setting up the Wii Rock Band video game.

I purchased this guitar pinata from Toys ‘R Us.(it is a pulls string one)

And all sorts of fun rock star themed goodies from Oriental Trading Company.  Like inflatable guitars and sunglasses and tattoos!  They also had guitar-shaped goody bags to put everything in.  I also ordered must have at all our parties, personalized M&M’s!  I uploaded a picture of a drum set and a picture of a guitar.  I also ordered some with the words “Ian Rocks” and “Happy 2nd Birthday”

Here are the invitations I put together:

We are still a couple of weeks away from the party.  I will give an update on how it all turns out, including the cake!

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